Semi-Monthly Timesheet Calculator with Partial Week Overtime Calculations

Time Sheet Calculator: Semi-Monthly: 3-Column   Sign

This free online semi-monthly timesheet calculator with 2 unpaid breaks and overtime will add up your or your employee's time clock hours twice a month and calculate your gross wages.

Here are the features that make this semi-monthly timesheet calculator so quick and easy:

  • No need for non-numeric characters (for 10:20 just enter 1020, or for 1:00 just enter 1) or AM/PM (use military time for shifts exceeding 12 hours).
  • Converts minutes into 100ths of hours decimal for you.
  • Calculates gross wages -- including overtime based on your choice of 8 or 10 hours per day, 40 hours per week (with carryover OT calculation), or 96 hours for the semi-monthly pay period.
  • Formats output into printable hours and gross wages report (use the print to PDF option on your printer to attach the report to an email).
  • Allows you to correct mistakes without starting over, and no Back buttons or waiting for a results page.
  • Use the Data Save feature to save your punch card entries to your web browser for yourself or for separate employees in between uses.

The semi-monthly time card calculator is also available multiple hourly rates and weighted overtime and you can print out a blank, free semi-monthly timesheet template, and Timesheet calculators are also available for Weekly, Bi-weekly, and Monthly payroll periods.

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Also on this page:

Time Sheet Calculator: Semi-Monthly: 3-Column

Calculate semi-monthly timesheet hours and gross wages with overtime, with 3 in/out columns, hh:mm or hh.hh totals, and no typing colons or messing with am/pm!

Special Instructions

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Selected Data Record:

A Data Record is a set of calculator entries that are stored in your web browser's Local Storage. If a Data Record is currently selected in the "Data" tab, this line will list the name you gave to that data record. If no data record is selected, or you have no entries stored for this calculator, the line will display "None".

DataData recordData recordSelected data record: None
Name:Name:Employee name:Employee name:

Employee name:

If you will be printing the completed time card report for a specific employee, enter their name here.

Hourly rate:Hourly wage rate:Regular hourly wage rate:Regulary hourly wage rate:

Regular hourly wage rate:

If you would like the calculator to calculate your gross wages, enter your regular hourly rate of pay (without the dollar sign). Otherwise, leave this field blank.

OvertimeOvertimeOvertime settingsOvertime settings

Overtime settings

Choose your overtime setting and, if you would like the overtime rate calculated for you, enter a multiplier in the field provided.
Overtime is paid :
Overtime rate:$0.00

Overtime settings:

If you would like the calculator to estimate your gross wages, expand the description in this row and choose the overtime settings that most closely match those of your company.


Clear Time Sheet for New Payroll Period:

If you're working with a saved set of entries, and would like to clear just the entered times for the current data record (leaving the payroll settings as they are), tap the button in this row. To commit the clearing of the timesheet to the saved data for this calculator, be sure to save the changes to the data record.

Payroll Settings

Payroll settings:

If you would like to customize the titles of the pay period days, open and complete the pay period settings panel.

You can also select how you wish the calculator to display time totals.

Workweek:Workweek start:Weekday workweek starts on:Weekday your workweek starts on:

Weekday your workweek starts on for OT purposes:

If you selected Overtime after 40 hours per week, select the day of the week that the workweek starts on for the purpose of overtime calculations. If you pay overtime based on any other of the overtime options, then this menu is not applicable and will be disabled.

Pay period start date:

Payroll period starting date:

Select the month, day, and year of the semi-monthly pay period you want the timesheet calculator to start at. The Day column will automatically be filled in with the correct days and dates.

Note that in order for the calculator to operate, the number of days between the selected starting and ending pay period dates must be greater than 12 and less than 18. Timeframes that fall outside of 13-17 days will cause the In/Out fields to be cleared.

Pay period end date:

Payroll period ending date:

Select the month, day, and year of the semi-monthly pay period you want the timesheet calculator to end at. The Day column will automatically be filled in with the correct days and dates.

Note that in order for the calculator to operate, the number of days between the selected starting and ending pay period dates must be greater than 12 and less than 18. Timeframes that fall outside of 13-17 days will cause the In/Out fields to be cleared.

Past hh.hh:Past hh.hh partial:Past partial week hours.hours:Hours.hours from partial week of last period:

Hours.hours from partial week of previous pay period:

If you pay Overtime after 40 hours per week, this field allows you to enter the time worked in a partial workweek from the last pay period. This time will be used to calculate any overtime that may be earned in the remainder of the workweek that occurs at the beginning of the current pay period. Note that the time must be entered in an HH.HH format (6 hours and 30 minutes would be entered as 6.50).

Format:Time Format:Time totals format:Totals as hours:minutes or hours.hour-fraction:

Time totals as hours:minutes or hours.hour-fraction:

If you would like the calculator to display time totals in hours:minutes format (7:30), choose the HH:MM option.

Or, if you would like the calculator to display time totals in hours:fractions-of-hours format (7.5), choose the HH:HH option.

Enter Time Card Hours

Enter your time card hours:

Depending on the width of the calculator, a different entry form will be displayed. Narrow widths will display a mobile optimized form, whereas wider widths will display a desktop optimized form.

For each day in the period that you accumulated work time, tap the "+" icon to expand the day. Next enter the In and Out times for each time block you were getting paid for. Once each day is completed you can either leave the day expanded, or tap the "-" icon to collapse the In/Out times.

Important! When entering times only use numeric characters 0-9 with or without decimal points (no colons). The calculator will know that "130" means "1:30" and will insert the colons for you in the results.

Important! You can enter times in standard (130) or military (1330). However, if a time block exceeds a 12 hour period you will need to use military time instead of standard time. If you're not sure what the military time equivalent of a standard time is, tap the grid icon in this row to open the Military Time Conversion Chart.

Total time:Total time:Total time for pay period:Total time for pay period:

Total time for pay period:

This is the calculated sum of the hours worked for all days worked in the pay period. If you selected the HH:MM format, this total will be listed as hours:minutes. Or, if you selected the HH.HH format, this total will be listed as hours.fraction-of-hours.

Carryover:Carryover hours:Carryover hours for OT calculations:Carryover hours for OT calculations next time:

Hours (hh.hh) to carry forward for next period OT calculations:

If you pay overtime for over 40 hours per week, this field will display the hours (hh.hh) that will need to be carried forward for the purpose of determining overtime wages in that may be earned in next pay period. If you pay overtime on any other basis this field will default to N/A.

Time Card Report

Time Card Report:

If you would like to print out a summary of the time card, enter or edit the ending date as you see fit, and then tap the "Printer Friendly Report" button.

Period end:Period ending:Period ending date:Period ending date:

Period ending date:

Optional: If you wish the printed time card report to include the pay period ending date, enter the date here in whatever format you prefer.

If you would like to save the current entries to the secure online database, tap or click on the Data tab, select "New Data Record", give the data record a name, then tap or click the Save button. To save changes to previously saved entries, simply tap the Save button. Please select and "Clear" any data records you no longer need.

Help and Tools


What semi-monthly means and how to calculate overtime for semi monthly payroll.

What is Semi-Monthly?

The term semi-monthly refers to an event that occurs twice a month ("semi" means "halfway"), and is often confused with the term bi-monthly, which means every two months ("bi" means "every two").

In the case of payroll periods, semi-monthly usually means "twice a month," with one pay period starting the 1st day of the month and ending on the 15th day of the month, and the other pay period starting on the 16th of the month and ending on the last day of the month.

How to Calculate Overtime on a Semi-Monthly Pay Period

If overtime is paid for over 8 or 10 hours in a workday, then overtime for semi-monthly pay is calculated the same as any other payroll timeframe.

However, if overtime is paid for time worked above 40 hours per week, a carry-over system must be implemented.

The first step to implementing a carry-over system is to establish an official day of the week that will always serve as the start of the pay week.

So if you choose "Monday" as the start of the pay week, then all weekly hours will be totaled from Monday to Sunday.

Whichever day you chose to be the start of the pay week, if the semi-monthly payroll period ends during the pay week you will need to carry-over hours to the next pay period for overtime purposes.

For example, if your pay week starts on a Monday, but your semi-monthly payroll period ends on a Wednesday, you will need to total up and carry-over any hours worked Monday through Wednesday.

Next, once the pay week has been completed, add the carry-over hours to the Thursday to Sunday work hours to determine if the employee worked more than 40 hours for the week.

If the employee worked more than 40 hours during the pay week, you would convert a number of regular hours worked between Thursday and Sunday to overtime hours, with the number being equal to the excess hours over 40.

Here is an example of how to calculate overtime if the 1st-15th semi-monthly payroll period ends on a Wednesday, but your pay week ends on a Sunday.

Day of the monthDay of the weekHours worked
Start of new pay period
Carryover hours from partial pay week on last pay period:26
Hours worked for partial pay week in new payroll period:16
Total hours for pay week:42
Overtime hours for pay week (42 – 40):2
Regular hours worked for next payroll period (16 – 2):14
Overtime hours earned for next payroll period:2

Note that carryover hours are paid in the payroll period in which they occurred, and are only used to determine if any overtime hours were earned for the next payroll period.

Of course, if the end of the semi-monthly payroll period ends on the same day the pay week ends, there would be no carryover hours.

If it helps to further your understanding of how to calculate weekly overtime for semi-monthly payroll periods, here is a calculator you can use to check your calculations:

Semi-Monthly Overtime Calculator
Pay week starts on:
New payroll period starts on:
Carryover hours from partial pay week on last pay period:
Hours worked for partial pay week in new payroll period:
Total hours for pay week:
Overtime hours for pay week:
Regular hours worked for next payroll period:
Overtime hours earned for next payroll period:

Adjust Calculator Width:

Move the slider to left and right to adjust the calculator width. Note that the Help and Tools panel will be hidden when the calculator is too wide to fit both on the screen. Moving the slider to the left will bring the instructions and tools panel back into view.

Also note that some calculators will reformat to accommodate the screen size as you make the calculator wider or narrower. If the calculator is narrow, columns of entry rows will be converted to a vertical entry form, whereas a wider calculator will display columns of entry rows, and the entry fields will be smaller in size ... since they will not need to be "thumb friendly".

Show/Hide Popup Keypads:

Select Show or Hide to show or hide the popup keypad icons located next to numeric entry fields. These are generally only needed for mobile devices that don't have decimal points in their numeric keypads. So if you are on a desktop, you may find the calculator to be more user-friendly and less cluttered without them.

Stick/Unstick Tools:

Select Stick or Unstick to stick or unstick the help and tools panel. Selecting "Stick" will keep the panel in view while scrolling the calculator vertically. If you find that annoying, select "Unstick" to keep the panel in a stationary position.

If the tools panel becomes "Unstuck" on its own, try clicking "Unstick" and then "Stick" to re-stick the panel.

Military Time Conversion Chart
12:00 am (Midnight)0000
1:00 am0100
2:00 am0200
3:00 am0300
4:00 am0400
5:00 am0500
6:00 am0600
7:00 am0700
8:00 am0800
9:00 am0900
10:00 am1000
11:00 am1100
12:00 pm (Noon)1200
1:00 pm1300
2:00 pm1400
3:00 pm1500
4:00 pm1600
5:00 pm1700
6:00 pm1800
7:00 pm1900
8:00 pm2000
9:00 pm2100
10:00 pm2200
11:00 pm2300